August 05, 2012

A Peacock in Paradise: A Statement Necklace

I know, I was supposed to post pieces inspired by Project Runway. But I had inspiration coming from a different place: Pinterest.

Source: via Nissa on Pinterest

Peacocks are the symbol of luxury, royalty, and everything expensive.  So I took that concept and designed

a necklace that embodied the rich hues of green and blue with bronze and gold. I have also entered this piece

in the FireMountainGem Summer Inspiration Contest.  It would be great to win it, the prize is a library full of 

inspiration and techniques. 

Each component took between an hour to two hours to complete so approximately 10 hours give or take.  

There was so much trial and error with this piece in regards to the size and techniques used to create the 

center piece as well as the beaded beads.  I am in absolute LOVE with the beaded beads!  I told my mom 

that before I sold this piece I wanted to wear it at least once. But she told me that was unprofessional and to

make myself a new one. Oh the agony I don't think I have the patience to make ANOTHER one of these,

This is going into my One of a Kind Piece collection.  Although, I still need to make a bracelet and a pair of

 earrings to go with this but that will come a bit later.  I have decided that I will make myself a unique one of 

a kind necklace, maybe not as glamorous as this one but slightly sophisticated and bold and neutral.   


  1. You have such beautiful place with awesome photographs..I am following your page & will be enjoying..
    hope to see you soon at my page!
    happy Ramadan :)

  2. Assalamualeikum dear sis!

    This piece is amazingly beautiful! You're very talented mashaAllah!
    I love how you've found the perfect strike of "peacock" colors in the jewellery set. :)

    peace out!
    Aysha @ The Creative Muslimah


I would love your feedback!

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